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Reliable and Rapid Tax Services is proud to offer credit counseling and credit repair services to its valued customers.  Based in Las Vegas, Nevada our team of financial service professionals is adept at ensuring negative and derogatory items are swiftly and efficiently removed from your credit report.  We coordinate with all three major bureaus to ensure the accuracy of the information being provided to potential creditors.  Thereby ensuring that you are afforded the opportunity to purchase a home, receive an unsecured line of credit, open a business, or even finance a new car.  Improving your credit score by removing derogatory items from your credit report will open many doors for you and your family.

In addition to the credit repair services outlined in the preceding paragraph, the financial professionals at Reliable and Rapid Tax Services will improve your financial literacy through private one-on-one counseling sessions.  You will learn the importance of adhering to a monthly budget that includes a savings component.  You will be put in position to win by Reliable and Rapid Tax Services.

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Thank you for taking the opportunity to learn more about Reliable and Rapid Tax Services, in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Our team of financial service professionals stands ready to assist you with the preparation of your personal tax returns and/or corporate tax returns.  We also offer credit counseling and credit repair services, as well as financial consulting and assistance with student loan forgiveness.  In addition, we offer Tax Refund Advances (loans) to those who utilize our tax preparation services.  Do not delay, call today to schedule your private consultation with our team, (702) 997-1092.

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